tommy Stadlen
Giant Ventures
Tommy Stadlen is a Founding Partner of Giant Ventures, the global venture capital firm backing purpose-driven technology founders.
Tommy was previously Co-Founder & CEO of Swing, an imaging technology company chaired by Twitter founder Biz Stone. In 2017, Swing was acquired by Microsoft where Tommy held senior product leadership roles.
Tommy was also Co-Founder and Chairman of the Tailwind group, three public companies with a combined market cap of over $1bn.
Tommy is the best-selling author of the sustainability book ˜[Connect](https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/strategy-and-corporate-finance/our-insights/connect): How Companies Succeed by Engaging Radically With Society', written with former BP CEO Lord Browne. He is a frequent contributor to media outlets including the New York Times, Financial Times, BBC, CNBC and Bloomberg.
Tommy is a former McKinsey consultant and previously worked for President Obama. He graduated with First Class honours from Oxford and holds an MSc (Distinction) in Environmental Policy from the London School of Economics. Tommy has been recognised by the Financial Times as a top 50 Global Ally Executive and by Entrepreneur's ˜Best Companies in America' award.