Scott O'Brien
Chief Investment Officer,
Innovate UK
Scott O'Brien is Chief Investment Officer at Innovate UK, having joined in 2017 from British Business Bank to help create and pilot Innovate UK Innovation Loans, targeting innovators pursuing later stage R&D with a clear route to commercial success.‚‚
Scott's role also takes in Investor Partnerships, providing grant funding with aligned investment from one of more than 100 accredited Investor Partners ‚ from angels through to VCs and large overseas fund managers.‚‚
Finally, Scott is currently leading the development of Innovate UK's vision towards delivering a dynamic digital service to the whole of the innovation ecosystem ‚ starting with services like the Innovation Hub, a gateway to sources of funding and support across the Public Sector.‚‚
All of this sits with a new products and services function in Innovate UK, which co-ordinates its portfolio of business support, finance and funding, while implementing new ideas and focusing on improving the customer journey.‚‚