Andy Thornley
Head of Financial Services,
United Kingdom
Andy is Head of Financial Services at techUK. His role includes leading their work in building a greater understanding of the 'technological art of the possible' in order to apply it to the reform and evolution of financial systems.
Before joining techUK, Andy worked for a number of other bodies in the financial services sector, including the British Insurance Brokers' Association, where in addition to owning policy and public affairs, he was also responsible for fostering InsurTech in the sector.
Andy has a degree in Human Biology and holds a Certificate in Insurance (Cert CII) qualification from the Chartered Insurance Institute. Outside of work, Andy is an avid cyclist and races competitively both on the road as well as the velodrome.
10-Jun-2024Centre StagePanel Discussion: Money Talks, AI Speaks Louder: Applications of AI Across Fintech