Alia Zafar
Commonwealth Secretariat
Alia Zafar - Director at Commonwealth Secretariat, London, has 29 years of experience in diverse sectors.
Recognized for her work in digital transformations, DEI and Human Resources Management she has earned multiple awards in ‚ these areas. She is a key note speaker on Tech, Governance of AI, DEI and transformations at various international forums.
she has been engaged with running the largest national Hackathon in Pakistan leading to 10 startups showcasing at the Singapore Fintech Festival 2023; mentoring entrepreneurs at the Women Directors' Program at Myanmar; remained member in the Prime Minister's Pay and Pension Committee, Pakistan and Committee on national strategy and plan for National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority.
‚ She is the first woman in South Asia to become member of a Cricket Board (Pakistan Cricket Board) ‚ and currently sits on the board of Alliance Francaise, Punjab Capital Securities and ASCEND International.
‚ She is an art historian specializing in mid nineteenth century art from Punjab and has written the critically acclaimed book ‚The magnificent Heritage of Punjab‚'.Her Poetry inspired exhibition of art work recently won critical acclaim.
She holds a Masters of Business Administration, a Masters of English Literature and has certifications in Social Entrepreneurship from INSEAD and Negotiation Skills from Oxford.
She spearheaded a social entrepreneurship network for access to education for underrepresented groups in Pakistan.
Her idea of connectivity of ISEP community was taken up and led to the inception of the Hans Wahl Impact Entrepreneurs Community of which she is one of the managers. She moderated the session at CHANGE NOW Summit as the start to the program with INSEAD and Hoffman Institute.