
Alex Kendall

Alex Kendall

Founder, Wayve
Alex Kendall Alex Kendall is an award-winning artificial intelligence researcher and global technology leader. He is the CEO of Wayve, a start-up pioneering AV2.0: the next-generation approach to autonomous driving that can quickly and safely adapt to new driving domains anywhere in the world. Alex was awarded his PhD at the University of Cambridge, where he studied as a Woolf Fisher Scholar. Following his highly-cited research, he was elected a Research Fellow at Trinity College, University of Cambridge. In 2017 he founded Wayve where he has raised over $258 million with the aim of being the first team to deploy autonomy in 100 cities. Alex was awarded the 2018 BMVA Prize, 2019 ELLIS European PhD Prize and was named on the 2020 Forbes 30 Under 30 list for contributions to technology entrepreneurship.