
Abby Seneor

Abby Seneor

Chief Data Officer, Greehill

Abby Seneor is a serial entrepreneur, technology expert, change-making altruist, and one of the world's leading minds in artificial intelligence, focusing on Ethical AI.
Abby is the Chief Data Office and Head of Technology at greehill, a deep tech company based in Hungary, digitising urban forests and helping cities world-wide grow greener and healthier through Smart Tree Inventories. Prior to joining greehill Abby served as Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Citibeats, an award-winning social data platform that uses ethical AI to gain actionable insights and a CTO of Optimi Health,  a London-based sports SaaS, where she spearheaded efforts for accessible physiotherapy and sports medicine through cutting-edge science and technology. Prior to Optimi, she founded additional tech and AI startups such as By The Way and BookEscapeRoom. Abby also served impressive roles for Intel Corporation, Dane-Elec, Polycom, and Microsoft, working in the innovation labs and cutting-edge technology in Computer Vision.

With passion and demonstrated skill for software development, leadership, and deep learning technology, Abby was recognized as one of the "top 100 women in AI Ethics" in 2024, the top 10 women in AI in 2020, and by Sifted as one of Europe's significant female CTOs. She was chosen out of nearly 70,000 nominations and 195 finalists from 27 countries as the winner of the “Global Awards – Women that Build Editionâ€' in the “Tech Entrepreneurâ€' category in 2021.

Abby was also awarded “Top 10 Woman in AIâ€' in 2020, issued by Women in AI, a nonprofit gender-inclusive AI initiative. In her personal life, she is an Ironman athlete who completed 5 Ironman races and earned second place in an Olympic Triathlon.
