Partner Press Releases

Wednesday 29 May 2024

Join UKTN+ today for exclusive UK tech news and insights

Join UKTN+ today for exclusive UK tech news and insights
Introducing UKTN+

Tech industry publication UKTN is offering an exclusive 25% discount on its recently launched subscription offering for London Tech Week attendees.

A UKTN+ subscription gives readers full access to UKTN’s original news reporting, agenda-setting investigations, opinions from industry leaders, exclusive interviews and deep-dive analysis.

Over the past two and a half years, UKTN has published important stories that matter to the UK’s tech entrepreneurs, investors, stakeholders and policymakers.

UKTN has raised the concerns of entrepreneurs over changes to R&D tax credits and, more recently, highlighted how female angel investors are being excluded by new government rules.

In addition, the publication covered every twist and turn in the closure and rebirth of Tech Nation and reported live from the government’s AI Safety Summit.

And UKTN’s investigative journalism exposed a startup fraudster who faked an acquisition by Airbnb and misled crowdfunding investors.

Subscribers also get exclusive access to a weekly newsletter providing a curated roundup of the biggest stories of the week, sprinkled with analysis and a preview of the key news events coming up.

UKTN+ subscribers also receive a weekly roundup of all funding rounds, including those that didn’t make the cut for a standalone story.

To unlock quality tech journalism with deep-dive analysis and expert opinions from leading tech voices use code UKTN25:

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