Fringe Events

Tech Fusion: Shaping a Decentralized Tomorrow with Web3 & AI

Organised by GTA Web3.0

Join us for an electrifying fringe event during London Tech Week. Our event aims to facilitate cross-disciplinary collaboration, inspire innovative thinking, and showcase how diverse technological innovations converge to create transformative solutions.


1. Introduction (15 mins)

  • Welcome address by event organizers
  • Overview of the event's theme and collaborative approach

2. Panel Discussion: Tech Convergence for Impact (45 mins) High-profile speakers

4 Panelists

Moderated discussion featuring: 

  1. Dann Toliver - CTO and co-author Toda IP protocol
  2. Andres Nazareth - Executive Director Of Wise, Serial Entrepreneur, Former Head of Start-Ups & VCs for Amazon/AWS
  3. Mia Marenco MBCS Healthcare Domain Expert, Innovator AI and Blockchain Strategist, Advisor & Ambassador -
  4. BCS ICT Ethics rep- name TBC The Chartered Institute of IT

- Audience Q&A session

3. Short Documentary Screening and Live Input (20 mins)

  • Screening of a mini-documentary HYPER PG
  • Live input CTO Dann Toliver

4. Networking Break (30 mins)

  • Opportunity for attendees to network, exchange ideas, and explore collaboration opportunities

5. Interactive Demos

  • Concurrent sessions hosted by each collaborating organization
  • Demonstrations and discussions on open-access AI models, community engagement strategies, and infrastructure innovations
  • HyperCycle Spin Project

**Closing Keynote/Remarks (15 mins)**

  • Fireside Chat with Russ Shaw CBE. Founder GTA TLA on the power of collaboration in driving tech innovation
  • Call to action for continued partnership and collective action towards a sustainable tech future

Networking Reception (60 mins)

  • Informal networking session with refreshments provided
  • Participants can engage in further discussions and forge connections across diverse tech domains


  • Thank you message from organizers
  • Invitation for attendees to stay connected and explore ongoing collaboration opportunities

This programme offers a holistic exploration of technological innovation, emphasizing collaboration and synergy across diverse domains to drive positive impact and shape the future of tech.

** Subject to Confirmation


Date and Time
Day 11 June
18:00 - 21:00
WiseHub, Grove House. 27 Hammersmith Grove, London, England W6 0NE
Find on map
Host Contact Details
GTA Web3.0