Fringe Events

rev London June 2024: Accelerators and VCs pitching to Startups

Organised by Pitchflix

Reverse-pitch showcase: leading and emerging VCs and accelerators showcase their propositions to investment-ready founders.


We continue to make waves!

After full-house episodes of rev™ 2024, June 12th, in conjunction with London Tech Week and Rarefounders, promises to be the biggest gathering of founders and investors to date!

rev™ is a place for Pre-seed to Series A founders to explore their options to grow their business. Starting with warp™, aiming to provide acceleration options to earlier-stage founders. Then followed by rev™ to gain insights from leading and emerging investors.

🌟 What is rev? 🌟

rev is our reverse-pitch series where we invite leading and emerging investors to showcase their propositions to an audience of seed to Series A founders, both in person and by live stream, nationally and internationally.

We’re hosting rev from 3.30 pm to 7.30 pm at Canary Wharf’s Level 39, London's iconic melting pot of innovators, investors, industry experts and ambitious entrepreneurs, driving change across the sectors that dictate our experiences in daily life and bring a major financial and social impact - FinTech, Cyber Security, Data & AI, GreenTech, Life Sciences and more.

Arrive an earlier at 2.00 pm if you’d like to participate in warp too, if accelerator programs are of interest. There’s no extra charge.

🌟 What is warp? 🌟

‘warp’ is an additional segment that we have added prior to our original rev format, to provide additional support for founders.

We’re hosting warp from 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm, prior to rev, where we invite accelerators/incubators to showcase their programmes to an audience of early-stage founders or startups that are looking for different options in funding. Each accelerator/incubator will have 10 minutes to showcase their proposition. Attendees from warp can also participate in the rev afterwards.

NB. If you are an accelerator/incubator and would like a speaking spot at warp, please register here, select a relevant category, and we'll co-ordinate with you

🌟Why rev?🌟

Pitching to VCs takes a chunk of time and loads of energy, and every rejection takes a little chip out of the soul, so as an entrepreneur, you'd better be pitching to the right investors!

As a startup founder, you have hundreds of other things to do, so we’ve structured rev to deliver fast, efficient insights to make the best use of two hours of your time.

🌟What happens at rev?🌟

rev is about more than just finding alignment with a VC's investment thesis; it's about finding where chemistry and personality resonate. We're here to help you discover the right investors efficiently.

  • Each VC has five minutes to pitch, followed by your questions.
  • Afterwards, immerse yourself in networking to leave a lasting impression - better still, make yourself unforgettable for the investors!

NB. If you are an investor and would like a speaking spot at rev, please register at this link, and we’ll coordinate with you.

More about the Organizer:

Pitchflix is your investor network powered by pitch videos. Investors can discover investment opportunities across the startup ecosystem from the UK and internationally, and founders can look for their future investors on the platform. Video provides a much richer experience and more efficient review process for investors compared to a pitch deck alone. Make yourself discoverable for VCs by registering on and uploading your own pitch video. Let us know if you have any questions. We're more than happy to help! 😊 The Pitchflix team is looking forward to welcoming you soon!
Date and Time
Day 12 June
12:00 - 19:30

Level 39, Canary Wharf, One Canada Square, London, E14 5AB

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