
Purple Beard Training

Stand: P112
  • | Start-up Showcaser

Purple Beard Training is an award-winning tech training provider. We're dedicated to empowering the next generation of tech talent. Our mission is clear: to equip individuals and organizations with the cutting-edge skills required in the digital era. From Skills Bootcamps to Apprenticeships, our digital-only programmes are meticulously designed for both individuals aiming to upskill or reskill, and employers seeking to advance their team's tech capabilities. Our apprenticeships offer a unique blend of practical experience and theoretical learning, providing a solid foundation for a successful career in tech. Alongside our intensive bootcamps on vital topics like Business Analysis Fundamentals and Data Analysis with Python, we cater to a broad learning audience. As champions of tech education, we're committed to fostering a culture of continuous learning and development. Join us at Purple Beard Training, where we're not just teaching technology; we're shaping the future of the digital landscape.


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