

Stand: Tech Nation Pavilion, P131-P140

Annually, a staggering 650 billion disposable food and beverage containers are used but a meager 9% are successfully recycled. The majority end up in landfills, polluting our oceans or destroying people’s habitats. The bulk of disposable packaging is a combination of compostable and non-recyclable packaging hindering the recycling process, creating high levels of methane and GHG emissions released during decomposition.

CLUBZERØ has pioneered a returnable packaging system driven by their Core Technology to avoid waste altogether, supporting the transition to zero waste.  Instead of using disposable packaging, consumers are provided with returnable packaging which can be returned to any drop point or participating Customer location. All returnable packaging items are collected, serviced (cleaned or repaired) before being reused.  This provides brands with a sustainable alternative to disposable packaging whilst addressing convenience for customers. 

CLUBZERØ’s AI Core Technology can turn any benign packaging item into a fully trackable ‘asset,’ making it possible to generate revenues per use. The proprietary AI technology managing Returnable Packaging items is an API for tracking, sharing, and analysing data generated by scans performed at various points in the flow through Producers, Customers, Partners, and Users.

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